Research Repository of STIP

“Effors To Improve Body Through Measurement Index Industry Search” Merchant Marine Higher Education

Show simple item record Malau, April Gunawan Malau, Albert Gamot Malau, Jan Hotman 2021-12-17T06:00:07Z 2021-12-17T06:00:07Z 2017-10
dc.identifier.issn 2279-0845
dc.description.abstract This study aims to analyze the state of physical fitness cadet STIP and analyze study Body Mass Index ( BM I) cadets STIP. This research is expected to be usefubs input and consideration material for releaced institution in order to make campus activity program. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis method with data processing. The subjects of this study were the cadets of STIP in 2015. The example used was cadets of the third semester of batch 57 and the fifth semester of batch 56 and the sevent Semester of batch 55 to know the B M I cadets were weasured by the height test in meters and weight in kilograms. Technical analysis of data with descriptive analysis with percentage. The study concluded that by performing calcubtion using BMI ( Body Mass Index) calcubtions against cadets of 1295 cadets, there are still some who have less ideal and fifth semester (batch 56 ) for the category there are 49,09% (407 people), fatness category there are 44,51% (369 people),the category of obesity 156,39% (53 people). The third semester of female cadets (batch 57) and fifth semester ( batch 56) for the skinny category were 10,13% ( 8 people)and the obese category 15,19% (12 people), seventh cadets (batch 55) for the category of thin 3,95% (13 people), normal. Category 59,88% ( 197 people),fatness category 14,59% ( 48 people), obesity category 15,50% ( 51 people). The last is the seventh cadet data of women.(batch 55)for the category of thin 0% (none),normal category 86,05% (37 people,fatness,category 4,65% { 2 person ) and obesity 9,03% (4 people). en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) en_US
dc.subject Sports activities en_US
dc.subject Physical fitness en_US
dc.subject Ideal mass index en_US
dc.subject Cadets en_US
dc.title “Effors To Improve Body Through Measurement Index Industry Search” Merchant Marine Higher Education en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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