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Performance Optimization of Cooling Machines to Keep The Quality of Food Materials on The Ship MT. Pujawati

Show simple item record Wulandari, Retno S. Prayogo, Darul Suhartini, Suhartini Suryaman, Yanu 2022-01-11T08:33:35Z 2022-01-11T08:33:35Z 2018
dc.identifier.issn 2319-2402
dc.description.abstract The support that is very vital and related to welfare and health is the Cooling Machine to ensure the quality and quantity of food ingredients. The good quality of meat and fish are meat and fish which are not mushy, not rotten and when stored can be frozen entirely and if necessary crystallize. In order for foodstuffs to remain good, it needs storage temperature ± 2o C. For storage of meat and fish we need storage temperature ± 15oC. The lack of maximum working of the cooling machine is influenced by various factors, both internal factors such as the number of machine working hours. For external factors, this is closely related to the lack of maintenance of the cooling engine. In the research that the authors do there are several factors that are very influential in the smooth operation of the food cooling machine. The presence of ice flower on evaporator pipes is the most common problem in evaporator work. This occurs when the temperature of the pipe surface is lower than 00 (freezing temperature of water). Next is the poor condensation process. Suggestion given in this problem that is: Immediately close the door of cooling chamber at the time of entrance or exit cooling chamber and to do periodic monitoring and maintenance to amount of Freon through glass of suspect and lubrication oil contained in compressor. In order for the condensation process Freon perfect and can meet the needs of cooling, then do condenser treatment well. For normal conditions once a month and if in an emergency, cleaning and checking can be done as soon as possible. Periodically check for leaks in the cooling engine installation. Monitoring the lubricants contained in the compressor and the condition of the oil separator so that lubricating oil does not coexist with the Freon into the system that will be able to cause oil deposits and air bubbles. Checking the thermo-expansion valve, if the temperature in the cooling chamber is still high set the thermo-expansion valve by rotating the bolt to the left or right and replace it with a new one if necessary. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT) en_US
dc.subject Optimization en_US
dc.subject Cooling Machine en_US
dc.subject Food Ingredients en_US
dc.title Performance Optimization of Cooling Machines to Keep The Quality of Food Materials on The Ship MT. Pujawati en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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